A Great Commission 

Local2Global is a bridge connecting local believers to the global church.



Our mission is to mobilize local believers to support global projects that bring the gospel to unreached people groups.



Our vision is that every people group on earth would have a Bible, a believer, and a body of Christ.


Declare his glory

among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.

Psalm 96:3

Why We Do What We Do


Christ’s love is for every human being, and His heart is to search after the lost.

Luke 15:4-7


God calls every believer to pray, go, or give to bring the Good News to the unreached.

Luke 8:1-3 | Acts 4:12


All true disciples are called to participate in the Great Commission.

Matthew 28:16-20


Population in Unreached Groups


Less than

Mission Funding Going to Unreached People Groups


Less than

Missionaries Sent to Unreached Areas

Source: Joshua Project | * Unreached defined as: a) less than 2% Christ-followers and b) less than 5% Professing Christian.

Our Story


A few friends with backgrounds in Data Analytics, Information Technology, and Ministry came together with a shared passion to help fulfill the Great Commission. We believe that Christ’s love is for every single human being, and His heart is to search after the one. (Luke 15:4-7)

With all the Christians around the word, why has the Great Commission not been completed yet?

Some of the barriers to sharing the gospel in the most difficult places around the world are:

1. Geographically challenging areas that are difficult to access

2. Security concerns that make it difficult to provide reports

3. Spiritually and emotionally challenging contexts

4. Lack of financial resources

We learned that when local indigenous churches are mobilized, 3 of the 4 barriers are eliminated. 

But why is there a lack of financial resources?

Only 1% of funds given to to ministry goes towards unreached people groups. Most the financial resources are going to places that already have Believers, Bibles, and Bodies of Christ. We believe this is due to lack of awareness and lack of opportunities to support this type of work.

The work ahead is great, but we wanted to do our part to help. And so Local2Global was born.


Good News

We support projects that empower indigenous church groups to reach their surrounding communities with the gospel.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who do we partner with?

Local2Global partners directly with missionaries, indigenous Christians and churches, and non-profit organizations in South Asia that have been in operation since the 1980’s.

Our work includes supporting nationals who strategically plant churches among unreached people groups within their own countries. The specific groups we support have been planting churches for 30 years and have decades of fruitful ministry experience.

There are real security threats to the pastors and members of the churches we partner with, due to religious persecution. While we would love to post more information about them, we do not post real names or pictures to ensure their safety.

Who is considered unreached?

An unreached people is a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group without outside assistance. Language barriers, religious persecution, and geographic location make these communities difficult to reach.

Who benefits from my donation?

Your donation goes directly to the indigenous believers who are planting churches and completing projects.

We primarily support local, indigenous believers and church groups. Nationals are able to overcome common barriers such as language and share common culture and history. Your donation helps them to establish churches, train pastors, and translate scripture.

How do I know my donation is going to the designated project?

Financial statements from the organizations we support are professionally prepared and audited by a team of accountants every year to ensure accountability and transparency in compliance with official requirements. If you would like a copy of their annual report and financial statements, please email us at info@local2global.net

How does it further the Kingdom of God?

Local2Global’s primary focus is completing the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20).

To do this, our heart is to seek and save the lost through prayer, scripture translation, pastor training, and church planting. As we obey God’s Great Commission and build the Kingdom of God, we believe we glorify Him in doing so.

Will I be getting any updates?

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive news, updates, and general information about our ministry projects.

Unfortunately, due to safety reasons, we are not able to share names, photos of faces, or details about specific locations for projects.The level of danger involved in areas where it is not permitted to preach the gospel puts our local heroes' lives at great risk. For more information, we encourage you to contact us directly.