You can Help 3 Billion People

know that God loves and cares for them

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Become a Prayer Partner

Adopt a Local2Global unreached people group & become a prayer partner.

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PRAY: Adopt an unreached people group in Asia

Over 40 identified ethnic groups have zero believers.


Support this Project:


Support our mission, as a Local2Global Payer Partner.

Our goal is to have every one of these groups adopted by a family, small group, or a group of friends. Commit to pray for your adopted group weekly - that they would have a Bible in their own language, Christians, and a local church.


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Sponsor A Project

Become a Local2Global partner and support a current project.

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PROJECT: Plant a church in Asia

Trained pastors are ready to go plant churches in villages where there are no known believers.


Sponsor this Project:


Prayerfully consider supporting this project, to help support pastors and plant churches in Asia. Over 300,000 are needed to reach the unreached in Asia.

Plant A Church
Sponsor this Project

* This project supports our partnership with Finishing the Task, which seeks to provide a church for every 1,000 people worldwide, by 2033.


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PROJECT: Identify unreached villages in Asia

Help us accurately map, adopt, and assign workers to find churchless areas.


Sponsor this Project:


Your sponsorship covers the costs for transportation, lodging, and technology to identify unreached areas.

This project is working to accurately map churchless areas in 600 blocks in unreached areas in Asia. Each block consists of 100 villages.

Ambassadors are going village to village to see if there are any Christians or churches present. Would you prayerfully consider supporting a team to go and seek the lost?

Sponsor A Block
Sponsor this Project

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PROJECT: Educate Children Living in Impoverished Slums

Most children who reside in slum areas are unable to attend a formal school. Our partners have educated teachers eager to teach basic skills such as letters, numbers, reading and writing to approximately 3000 students.


Support this Project:


Educate and feed children in under-resourced areas

Without this program, these children may never receive education. This program is designed to lift them out of poverty. Many of our teachers grew up in the slums themselves and are passionate about this work. Would you prayerfully consider supporting these children living in slum villages?

Educate a Child
Sponsor this Project

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PROJECT: Translate Scripture

Scripture is being translated for local believers who have no complete Bible in their heart language.


Sponsor this Project:

$35 per verse

Your sponsorship covers the cost to complete the translation, production for print, recording for audio, and distribution.

105 languages are currently being translated for local believers who have no complete Bible in their heart language. They need Scripture in their own language so they can become fully mature disciples. Prayerfully consider partnering with these translation projects so new churches can grow, mature, and multiply.

Translate Scripture

105 languages are currently being translated for local believers who have no complete Bible in their heart language.

Your sponsorship covers the cost to complete the translation, production for print, recording for audio, and distribution.

Sponsor this Project


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Ways to Share

Share about the work of Local2Global with your friends, family & church.

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Mob violence. Persecution. Exile. Up to 5 years in prison for every convert.

Indigenous pastors and Christians face extreme barriers to reaching the unreached. But, they are eager to tell others and share the gospel.


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 Friends & Family

Tell your friends & family about our work and invite them to become a Local2Global Partner!

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Share the link to the “Reaching the Unreached” Video:


 Church Groups

Interested in having a Local2Global Partner speak to your church or group?


 Social Media

Coming Soon! Share the latest news and updates about Local2Global and our work to support The Great Commission.