Adopting People Groups

God is on mission, bringing all peoples to Himself. 

He has called His Church to join Him.


This is the basis for adopting an unreached people group.


What is a people group?

A significantly large ethnic, sociological, or ethno-linguistic group of people who perceive themselves to have a common affinity with one another. 

For evangelistic purposes, it is the largest group where the gospel can spread more rapidly.


What is an unreached people group?

A tribe of people who have not yet heard about Jesus, because they live in a remote part of the world and are difficult to access or locate.

A people group is considered unreached if its population is less than 2% Evangelical Christian.


How do I adopt a group?

It begins with prayer - providing informed, concerted prayer for the people group. You can also learn about them, help send long-term workers, and give financially to support the work to reach them. You may also have the opportunity to take a prayer trip.

Adoption of a people group is a commitment to do all that you can to see your adopted group come to know the love of Jesus.

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Ready to adopt & pray?

Here’s what to do next:

We respect your privacy and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party, nor will we send you unsolicited email.


Learn more about the people group by visiting the JoshuaProject and research more about the country and culture where they are located.

Reading Mission-focused books like “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement” by Ralph Winter and “Something Needs to Change” by David Platt are also helpful.


Gather a group of people and commit to pray for your group together every week.

Pray that God would bring a believer to their village to share the gospel, that God would raise up a person of peace who would be open to hearing about Jesus, pray a church would be established there, and for the Bible to be translated in their heart language.


Praise God in advance for allowing us to be a part of His mission to tell the whole world the Good News.

Matthew 24:14 says, “And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.” God’s Word says that every nation will hear the gospel.

Adoption Goals


Our desire is that each people group would become a self-supporting, self-directing, self-propagating church sending its own missionaries to still other unreached peoples.


An informed and motivated indigenous family or group.

Increased prayer for the nations and unreached people groups.

Increased financial giving to support missions in unreached areas.

People raised up as missionaries from families or groups.


Through your commitment and the work of the Holy Spirit, adoption supports a growing, spiritually healthy church movement.

The end result is certain. All nations will one day praise Him. 

We are blessed to join Him, as He gathers His people from every corner of the world.  


After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.  They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.

Revelation 7:9